Most of the time you don't have to open up an app. Just say your command and your phone does the rest.
The one thing almost everyone has with them always, is their cell phone. Most of us carry them around to either check the time if we don’t wear a watch, or to make calls or texts. Phone assistants such as Google Assistant, Bixby and Siri, can access you a lot of convenient features that you use every day, without having to open an app. Sorry for those of you who want less time with your device, this is going to make them your new best friend. Feel free to try them as we go.
1. Calculator:
You don't need an a calculator or an app, this feature is built into your assistant.
You don’t have to open an app to use your calculator, just activate your assistant and ask them your question. “Ok google, what is 24 times 12?” It will give you the answer quicker than anyone could ever type it out. (It’s 288 by the way)
2. A Translator:
Most people don't know that all they have to do is ask their phone for a translation, and it will spit it right out in seconds.
This is super handy when in another country or even if you only speak one of Canada’s official 2 languages. Simply ask Siri or Google to translate what you want to say from your language to whatever language you desire. On a side note, there is a pair of headphones out that translate on the fly when hooked to your phone. Technology actually scares me sometimes.
3. Take a Selfie
Great!!! Now it's even easier to take a selfie.
Instead of looking for your camera button, or perhaps when your hands are full, just ask your assistant to “take a selfie” and voila, vanity perfection.
4. Food Finder
By your command you can find your craving, and reviews to help you choose the best option.
Do you have a craving for pizza? Ask your phone where the nearest pizza joint is, and it will list the places in order of distance. It will also be a great place to check out online reviews, so you don’t end up with pizza disappointment.
5. Maps
No need to open your maps app and type in all the information. Simply state your destination and your phone’s map feature will take you there. In some cities it will even let you know the traffic problems in advance, or let you know if there is anyway that you can reach your destination before it closes.
You Might Look Crazy
While talking into your phone might get some getting used to, it can save you a lot of time, and as you get used to it, you will find it more and more convenient.
These are some of the great tips that I use everyday on my cell phone. You may have to update your phone if some of these aren’t working as well as I’ve advertised, but for the most part they have been a part of your phone’s operating system for quite some time. So, for now I have to make an appointment for a meeting. “ok Google, “Schedule me an app with….
Some more information on the subject.